Cloud Based WhatsApp Bulk SMS Service

Send 50,000 WhatsApp Message together on single click with Our Complete Cloud Based WhatsApp Bluk SMS Portal


Working Since 2011

How It Works?

You will be able to send WhatsApp Bulk SMS using our Cloud Portal. You don’t need to login into WhatsApp Web or to install any software or plugins to use our Cloud Portal.

Create An Account

First of all, we will create your account on our Cloud Portal. After that, you will receive your login details through SMS. You will be able to login into our Cloud Portal using these login details. You will be able to create groups on our Cloud Portal after logging into it and you will be able to add your numbers to these groups or you can upload excel file also.

Send Message

You will have to type your message after selecting this group. After that you will be able to send that message. You can also add images, videos or PDF attachments along with your message. You can send the message to upto 50,000 numbers at a single time.

Check Report

You will be able to view quick report after the message is sent to see on how many numbers your message is delivered. You will be able to view detailed report in MIS report section on our Cloud Portal. In which you will be able to check number wise that which message is sent to which number on which time.